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Results 1 - 10 of 56 (page 1 of 6)
New dark age : technology and the end of the future / James Bridle.
Present shock : when everything happens now / Douglas Rushkoff.
You look like a thing and I love you : how artificial intelligence works and why it's making the world a weirder place / Janelle Shane.
24/6 : the power of unplugging one day a week / Tiffany Shlain.
i-Minds : how cell phones, computers, gaming, and social media are changing our brains, our behavior, and the evolution of our species / Mari K. Swingle, PhD.
Your happiness was hacked : why tech is winning the battle to control your brain, and how to fight back / by Vivek Wadhwa and Alex Salkever.
You are not a gadget [electronic resource] : being human in an age of technology / Jaron Lanier.
Faster : the acceleration of just about everything / James Gleick.
How the world really works : the science behind how we got here and where we're going / Vaclav Smil.
Knowing what we know : the transmission of knowledge, from ancient wisdom to modern magic / Simon Winchester.

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